You’re about to discover an ACTUAL SOLUTION to lose body fat, build muscle, maintain all your gains & create a superhero or warrior physique WITHOUT cutting out your favorite foods OR spending countless hours in the gym!
And… it’s A LOT simpler than you may think!
Have you ever said to yourself...
“This week is going to be different. I’m going to follow program X (insert program here)… I’m going to cut down my carbs, not eat fat, only eat clean foods, workout, workout more and/or workout harder”.
And so, you start out and do what we call “white knuckling it” for the week or sometimes few weeks & then lose it. Something would be drawing you into the breaking point & going on a binge - eating whatever in one sitting and then feeling the guilt & shame because you “fell off” and you’ve been taught that basically you’re the problem. You’ve been taught you need to be more committed. Strengthen your willpower.
Then you find yourself thinking...
Why couldn’t I just stick to it? Suck it up & have more discipline or motivation. I just need to be better. Other people can make it work... Why can’t I? Clearly the problem must be me.”
And if you ever had thoughts like that, we hear you… we’ve been there, and we’ve watched our clients go through the same struggle. Start on Monday motivation, will-power, commitment-- this time is going to be different & then it never is. And when this happens all it does is reiterate that “YOU” are the problem. Hear us loud & clear… YOU are NOT the problem!
The problem is not you. You’re not broken. Your metabolism is not broken. You don’t just need to try harder, have more motivation & suck it up!
But let’s talk a little more…
What about those workouts you’re doing? Too many women are doing it wrong. Purchasing and following workouts & programs that are not getting them anywhere. We see you… spending countless hours & days in the gym doing things that are not effective & that are not driving you any closer to the actual goals you have.
Why are you working out anyway? If your goal is to just feel better… Great! There is nothing wrong with that but if you have a specific goal of; cutting body fat, body recomposition, building more muscle, sculpting a specific physique and/or gaining (or uncovering) a six pack by maximizing fat loss... your workout regimen needs to be one that has that in mind.
AND HONESTLY, most are NOT designed that way. They’re not effectively driving you towards building muscle. Just because you lift some weights in your workouts doesn’t mean it’s optimized for building, maintaining and/or laying down lasting muscle to sculpt your physique.
In order to get the results you want, you need to understand the difference between training & exercise and what needs to be in a proper program like sets, reps, resistance, rest between sets, rest days and so on for it to be effective for you to hit YOUR specific goal.
Training is accumulated & specific stress adaptations that produce specific & desired results. If a program is not designed with specific goals to get you stronger, faster, or better conditioned, then it is not training… it’s just exercise which means you’ll simply burn some calories.
Too many women are spending their valuable time & energy doing things that are virtually ineffective when it comes to getting them closer to their goals. That makes us sad because we want to make sure all the valuable time & energy you’re spending with your nutrition & in the gym is driving you closer towards the goals you’re looking to achieve.
You see… In theory what you hear or read in the fitness magazines might sound correct, but we can assure you of something with ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY…
Your body (and ours too) DOES NOT respond to situations or stimuli based on theory. We’re not some robotic machines with a few moving parts that somehow miraculously work flawlessly when plugged in or simply filled with fuel (gasoline, diesel, petro…whatever!)
It’s not quite that simple. Instead…
Our bodies are extremely complex, dynamic structures that have all kinds of things happening at cellular levels that most people couldn’t even begin to comprehend... nor would ever want to for that matter.
And this right here inlies where much of the confusion begins & ends... Due to our very complex human bodies and how no two are the exact same, someone somewhere (many people actually) decided it was a good idea to start throwing out all kinds of different ideas, theories & strategies to see which ones catch on, stick & possibly even work.
We could keep going on and on and on and on and on… with different suggestions, recommendation, strategies, tactics & theories about what different gurus and so called fitness & weight loss experts say it takes to get in shape, lose weight or gain muscle but we’re sure by now you already heard most of them.
So… what’s our point?
All these different “ideas” on how to get in shape makes things EXTREMELY CONFUSING & FRUSTRATING!
And rightfully so...
But your confusion & frustration will no longer go unnoticed or be ignored.
That’s when we finally had this epiphany and recognized we were able to break through not only for our own sanity but for the clients we were coaching & mentoring. The problem is you’re trying to fit your unique self into something that is not unique to you. You’re trying to fit into some cookie cutter standard “nutrition & fitness program” and marketing thought process that is full of restrictions & eliminations that is not sustainable and not enjoyable… or even realistic for real life.
So, let’s be clear… It’s not that you need more willpower or discipline. It’s not that you need to try harder.
You need a program that was designed with your UNIQUENESS as the number one priority to address.
We could keep going on and on and on and on and on… with different suggestions, recommendation, strategies, tactics & theories about what different gurus and so called fitness & weight loss experts say it takes to get in shape, lose weight or gain muscle but we’re sure by now you already heard most of them.
So… what’s our point?
All these different “ideas” on how to get in shape makes things EXTREMELY CONFUSING & FRUSTRATING!
And rightfully so...
But your confusion & frustration will no longer go unnoticed or be ignored.
That’s when we finally had this epiphany and recognized we were able to break through not only for our own sanity but for the clients we were coaching & mentoring. The problem is you’re trying to fit your unique self into something that is not unique to you. You’re trying to fit into some cookie cutter standard “nutrition & fitness program” and marketing thought process that is full of restrictions & eliminations that is not sustainable and not enjoyable… or even realistic for real life.
So, let’s be clear… It’s not that you need more willpower or discipline. It’s not that you need to try harder.
You need a program that was designed with your UNIQUENESS as the number one priority to address.
Getting in shape, losing body fat & building muscle is actually WAY SIMPLER & MUCH EASIER than you may think, have read, have heard, have witnessed, have been taught or even have tried, regardless of all the different strategies, recommendations & theories available to you.
For these reasons, and I’m sure a few more, I’ve put together a COMPLETE program designed specifically for a guy to achieve the physique he wants with MUCH more ease than ever thought possible!
Not only a program that is simple but one that will actually provide sustainable results like you have NEVER achieved before…up to this point!
Results that will make you wonder why it felt so complicated in the past.
What if there is a program that...
A complete nutrition & workout system that was developed for men to achieve low body fat while building solid muscle eating the foods they love.
Yes… a program that will FINALLY unlock the code you have searched for and worked so hard to find. Something that not only works & is extremely doable, but most importantly… ENJOYABLE!!!
This is accomplished by applying our Warriors Blueprint Fundamentals that the mainstream weight loss & fitness industry tends to not share or just plain old gets wrong.
Our goal is to make everything simple, sustainable & most of all… ENJOYABLE!
Our goal is to make everything simple, sustainable & most of all… ENJOYABLE!
Your Body, Your Goal, Your Lifestyle!
You have uniqueness that needs to be addressed; age, hormones, gut, your body fat to muscle ratio, current metabolic state, genetic predispositions, strength/weaknesses, etc... so your plan/program must take all that into consideration.
Whether your goal is fat loss, gain muscle &/or sculpting your physique, your plan/program needs to address these specific things. The journey for someone that has fifty pounds of fat to lose, to someone that has five pounds to lose, to someone that’s just lost a great amount of weight, to someone that wants to bulk up is going to be different. Food intake (calories/macros) is different & your workout routine, although the same level of intensity, may need to be different. A plan/program to make this happen is going to be a bit unique.
We all have unique lifestyles that we don’t want to change & that are not negotiable. Things that you’re not willing to give up & you shouldn’t have to unless it’s compromising your health. In the beginning, so often you are willing to give up A LOT for the promise of achieving your goal... but when you get a result from restriction, it becomes difficult to sustain in real life ultimately becoming less, or even not at all, worth the effort. So, the process must be enjoyable for it to really be effective & sustainable. If the process is not enjoyable, … it’s not sustainable. I’ve seen it for years.
Get specifically designed workout routines to maximize your results without wasting your time & efforts to sculpt the physique you want.
Accelerate not only your body transformation but transform your health through proper implementation of intermittent fasting with your workouts to reset your metabolic system, charge up your metabolic hormones & support or increase your muscle mass.
Address the root cause of your self-sabotage, internal dialogue and learn how to break out, break free & develop new winning dialogue & behaviors.
Learn how to make proper adjustments as you progress and take in the data along with your body's feedback to measure, monitor & adjust.
Get specifically designed workout routines to maximize your results without wasting your time & efforts to sculpt the physique you want.
Accelerate not only your body transformation but transform your health through proper implementation of intermittent fasting with your workouts to reset your metabolic system, charge up your metabolic hormones & support or increase your muscle mass.
Address the root cause of your self-sabotage, internal dialogue and learn how to break out, break free & develop new winning dialogue & behaviors.
Learn how to make proper adjustments as you progress and take in the data along with your body's feedback to measure, monitor & adjust.
The Princess Way Blueprint is 6 fundamentals that will accelerate your results & put you 100% in the drivers' seat.
#1: We take you through understanding the roll of nutrition, calories & macros and busting through marketing myths & nutritional rules that have kept you in the frustration of the endless diet treadmill. We will teach you how to identify your proper caloric intake based on your current metabolic state, your specific goal & by really leveling it up, teaching you exactly how to set your macros that will be the game changer for your body transformation.
Customize Lifestyle
#2: Designing YOUR OWN personal customized meal plan. Taking your unique caloric needs & your macro numbers to create a lifestyle that will take in account your personal food preferences, your body & specific health needs that is not only effective but most importantly… enjoyable, because you designed it & set your own rules.
Workouts Programs
#3: Specifically designed workout routines to maximize your results without wasting your time & efforts to sculpt the physique you want. How to accelerate not only your body transformation but transform your health through proper implementation of intermittent fasting with your workouts to reset your metabolic system, charge up your metabolic hormones and support or increase your muscle mass.
Retraining Your Brain
#4: We will teach you how to identify & overcome the top 5 forms of self–sabotage & disruptive internal dialogue that’s different for women & men… but if you don’t identify & remove them, you will continue down the road of - commit, try, fail & then start over again cycle. And if you found yourself in that cycle before of trying & failing, trying & failing it’s because more than likely you’re holding onto a self-sabotaging behavior. One of the big things we do is address the root cause of self-sabotage, internal dialogue & coach you through how to break out and develop a new winning dialogue & behaviors.
Measure, Monitor & Adjust
#5: We will teach you how to take data driven action in adjusting your nutritional macro needs & workouts because the body is dynamic, not static. You can influence your results by making the right adjustments, but most people have no clue how to look at the data and decide when the right time is or even if you should adjust it. You need to know when to adjust your macros, which macros to adjust, when to increase or reduce your calories and so on… You will learn how to make proper adjustments taking in the data along with your bodies feedback to measure, monitor & adjust. And as you progress & advance through your journey, your goals will change & so your bodies needs will change – calories, macros & fitness. By fully understanding this process we’re setting you up for life. Never having to jump from program to program or having to get “back on track” again because you’re 100% in control with knowing how to effectively measure, monitor & adjust.
Coaching & Community
#6: And to add to the content & tools, you have a community of like-minded men & women empowering and supporting you along with our unique coaching that really makes all the difference in the world. Remember, you can have all the knowledge but until you effectively apply it to yourself & your journey, you’re going to have a hard time being successful. There’s never been a winning sports team or athlete in history that didn’t have high level coaches with an effective playbook… and that’s us (Ryan & Lydia). Within the community Ryan & Lydia regularly give exercise feedback, mindset coaching, share food/macros recipes, support, inspiration, and always make it fun.
Build a lean solid muscular physique that resembles that of a warrior or superhero.
Train only 3 days a week & achieve amazing results.
Enjoy your life without stressing over your “diet”.
Break self-sabotaging behaviors.
Finally, BREAK FREE of the endless diet treadmill of commit- try- fall apart- start all over again.
Are you ready? Ready to never have to jump from program to program or have to get “back on track” again because you’re 100% in control.
Build a lean solid muscular physique that resembles that of a warrior or superhero.
Train only 3 days a week & achieve amazing results.
Enjoy your life without stressing over your “diet”.
Break self-sabotaging behaviors.
Finally, BREAK FREE of the endless diet treadmill of commit- try- fall apart- start all over again.
Are you ready? Ready to never have to jump from program to program or have to get “back on track” again because you’re 100% in control.
Course Curriculum
How To Navigate This Course
How To Navigate This Course
3) Section 1: The Princess Warrior Physique
Chapter 1 – What It Takes To Achieve A Slim, Fit Body & Why It’s Different For Women
4) Section 2: Training
Chapter 3 - Why Strength Training Will Allow You To Look Your Best In Any Outfit
4) Section 2: Training
Chapter 3 - Why Strength Training Will Allow You To Look Your Best In Any Outfit
5) Section 3: The Workout Program
Chapter 5: The Logic Behind The Workout Program
6) Section 4: Nutrition
Chapter 8: The Proper Caloric Deficit
6) Section 4: Nutrition
Chapter 8: The Proper Caloric Deficit
7) Section 5: Advanced Strategies
Chapter 14: Additional Fasting Information (Important)
8) Section 6: Wrapping Everything Together
8) Section 6: Wrapping Everything Together
9) Princess Warrior Bootcamp
Day 1: Slow Down to Speed Up... Preparation is the Key to Success!
10) 7-Day RECHARGE
Should you do 7-Day RECHARGE?
10) 7-Day RECHARGE
Should you do 7-Day RECHARGE?
11) CBL Supplement Guide
PW Goals & Checklist
PW Goals & Checklist
13) Warrior Lab FB Group
14) Booty Focused Program
The Daily Drill
14) Booty Focused Program
The Daily Drill
15) Bonus Workouts
Mini Band Warmup/Workout: Part 1
16) Exercise Tutorial Vault
16) Exercise Tutorial Vault
17) Chest Exercises
Incline Barbell Bench Press
18) Back Exercises
Pull-up & Chin-up Variations
18) Back Exercises
Pull-up & Chin-up Variations
19) Biceps Exercises
Seated Dumbbell Curls
20) Shoulder Exercises
Standing Barbell Shoulder Press
20) Shoulder Exercises
Standing Barbell Shoulder Press
21) Triceps Exercises
Dumbbell Skull Crushers
22) Leg Exercises
Bulgarian Split Squat
22) Leg Exercises
Bulgarian Split Squat
23) Princess Warrior Program Guide
Warrior Mode 2021 Kick-Off
Warrior Mode 2021 Kick-Off
© 2019 Complete Body Labs
Hear from our Warriors
The Princess Warrior Program has truly UNLEASHED the WARRIOR inside me! Let’s just say I have always been a “Princess” in the gym, now I’m a PRINCESS WARRIOR! Confident, strong, and present! I show up, I do the things, AND I come back! Never, before did all those things happen! PW makes this doable for anyone at any stage of the game!!
Ryan and Lydia are a treasure trove of information! I had been having severe mobility issues in my hips. They crafted a plan to help me with my mobility and supplementation to help my body. I am now fully able to complete the Princess Warrior workouts and am on my way to recovery for my hormonal imbalance!
As the daughter of a NFL Hall of Famer, training was always a way of life. As I aged those workouts resulted in injury. Princess Warrior gets the results without the stress. I actually, look forward to my workouts. It also had the key to unlock a lifetime of food guilt, binging and purging. Losing & gaining. The mind body connections the coaches helped me make, and the release of old mindsets toward food & health are among the amazing discoveries made. I’m free!
The Princess Warrior Program has been life-changing for me. I had found that being in my late 40s, my body seemed to be different. I had gained a lot of extra weight, was experiencing persistent, daily acid reflux and joint pain, and just didn't feel confident. Since beginning this program, which is better described as an easily sustainable lifestyle, I no longer have any of these symptoms. The flexibility and ease of not having to cut out whole food groups or deprive myself, while still improving my health has truly changed how I look, and more importantly, how I feel!
If you’re ready to END your…
Countless hours of training killing yourself on the gym
Eating “diet” foods or cutting out certain food groups
Lack of a social life due to your “diet” and training schedule
Confusion ONCE & FOR ALL
If you’re ready to END your…
Countless hours of training killing yourself on the gym
Eating “diet” foods or cutting out certain food groups
Lack of a social life due to your “diet” and training schedule
Confusion ONCE & FOR ALL
Your Slim, Fit & Toned Body Is Waiting For You!
Purchase Princess Warrior Program & immediately receive your welcome email with everything you need to download the plan & get started.
Warrior Bootcamp is our easy to follow coaching series that takes you through A-Z of understanding the Warriors Blueprint & how to effectively start your Transformation journey. Jumpstart your personal health goals as we’re here with you every step of the way.
Through your journey you will see radical results that boost your confidence & motivation to keep you thriving with your personally designed lifestyle.
Pay & SAVE!
YOU DON'T HAVE TO choose between enjoying your life each day & feeling great about your physique.
YOU DON'T HAVE TO resort to unhealthy extremes, boring meals or extreme workouts to build the body you want.
YOU DON'T HAVE TO keep feeling unhealthy, exhausted, or self-conscious about your body.
and evolving with a positive mindset to learn, explore & grow every day.
to show off your body shirtless
food both you & your body loves without guilt or worry about your physique.
the best possible version of yourself so you can go after everything you want in life with confidence.
Ryan Ebling is a Certified Fitness Specialists (CFS), Fitness Nutrition Specialists (CFNS) & Child
Nutrition Specialists (CNS), passionate health strategist & co-owner of Complete Body Labs; à
site dedicated to providing high quality products & services to help men & women achieve
optimal wellness as well as build lean, muscular, head turning physiques. Ryan's been in the
fitness & weight loss industry for over 20 years having worked with & coached thousands of
people to significant weight loss, body fat loss, muscle gained & health revived. As a former
Consultant for a multimillion-dollar weight loss company, Ryan has developed products &
created programs that have helped thousands of individuals achieve significant weight loss,
body fat reduction & increased muscle mass all leading to improved health & increased
confidence. He has taken his personal experiences & knowledge learned over the past 20+
years and is pouring it into providing high quality research backed products & highly effective
workout programs combined with nutritional strategies that make losing body fat, gaining
muscle & achieving your ideal physique, not only achievable but also sustainable & most of all.
Enjoyable! As you can imagine, having 20+ years in this industry, Ryan has experienced many
different programs, products, supplements, techniques & protocols both as a consumer as well
as creator/developer for large companies and having worked with many medical professionals
ranging from allied health professionals to surgeons. Ryan has a deep-rooted passion for
people & their health. He got tired of people buying into marketing rather than actual science,
paying for overpriced marked up products and getting confused by all the different theories,
items & gadgets available. Ryan believes health & fitness should be a part of your life but not
control or consume it. He loves to share his FAITH and he loves FOOD, having FUN & of course FITNESS.
Let us end all your concerns & confusion
It’s not designed to get you in shape for only a specific event, time or season. The Warrior Blueprint Fundamentals are designed to help you progress & advance through your journey. Your goals will change & so your bodies needs will change – calories, macros & fitness. By fully understanding this process, we’re setting you up for life never having to jump from program to program or having to get “back on track” again because you’re 100% in control. Providing lasting results... LIFETIME actually!
The program is simple & can be followed even if you’re gluten-free, dairy free, meat free, soy free, corn free, etc. You have 100% control over the foods you eat each day, so you eat what YOU enjoy!
No... but having access to some weights is important. However, if possible… having a dedicated area (like a gym) would be helpful.
Believe it or not... no! (You LIKE to eat! We get it... so do we!) Obviously, you want to avoid foods you’re intolerant to as much as possible… (kind of goes without saying but we said it anyways). You can forget about cutting carbs, eating boring food & meal prepping for the week... unless you like it, which might be strange but to each their own. No judging here. 😉 However, there is NO need for it when applying the proper strategies.
Achieving the body you want should become part of your lifestyle, not the entire focus of your life. This program will actually free up your time, help you burn fat & build muscle in the proper areas all while enjoying your meals & having lots of time to live your life. Btw... who has a lot of time these days? Just making sure we weren't missing something. 😏
We’re providing you with a complete plan with strategies & techniques you can use for the rest of your life. The best program is not only the one you will stick with but also the one that is enjoyable while providing you the results you want. You won’t be feeling like you’re on a diet... cause you’re not. You’ll learn how your body best uses & processes the foods you eat along with proper training strategies which is not something anyone should do for only a season or period of time.
This depends on your specific goal & what you want to lose in terms of body fat. You'll learn how to design your nutritional plan to provide you more freedom than you may be used to. One which allows you to enjoy all your favorite foods without having to choose between "perfect" eating or the body you want. You’ll be able to have BOTH!
Do to the nature of our business and this being a digital & downloadable program, if the request is made AFTER 2-hours of purchase OR if the system shows any part of the program has been downloaded, the program is NON-REFUNDABLE. Other Terms & Conditions: Online training courses may NOT be transferred to another individual. Orders placed with a “Discount Code” are NOT eligible for refund, cancellation or transfer. NO EXCEPTIONS.